



Tropical Cyclone and Heavy Persistent Rainstorm Arrangements

Weather information in HK Observatory's web site :

Events (seminars/trainings/programmes) of ListcoPRO will be conducted in accordance with the prescribed schedule unless a local Tropical Cyclone warning signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm warning signal is in force. Different arrangements will be carried out subject to the different scenarios addressed below :

If either of the warnings is lowered at or before 07:30 All morning events will be conducted as scheduled.
If either of the warnings is lowered between 07:31 and 12:30 All morning events will be cancelled, but all afternoon and evening events will be conducted as scheduled.
If either of the warnings is lowered between 12:31 and 16:30 All afternoon events will be cancelled, but all evening events will be conducted as scheduled.
If either of the warnings is lowered after 16:31 All evening events commencing from 18:30 onwards will be cancelled accordingly.


* If Black Rainstorm warning signal is issued during the event, all events will be continued until the end of the session for safety reason.


Approach of typhoon/rainstorm

For the detailed arrangement on the approach of typhoon/rainstorm for upcoming events, please contact our staff by phone ( +852 3628 5700 ) or email ( ). Special announcement will be made through ListcoPRO website or Email when found appropriate.


Make-up class arrangement

In the event that seminar/training is required to be cancelled because of adverse weather stated above, ListcoPRO will make every effort to insure that the affected event is rescheduled. Participants will be notified the make-up schedule by email as soon as possible.

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